These, and the hundreds of thousands of other randommemory slideshows, were journeys to the places Nikki seldom ventured herself.
It was just some randommemory, where you guys were all eating burgers or something, but it was real...I think.
I remembered him coming out to the house to help Jason hang Gran's porch swing, a randommemory of a day far different from this.
Just a few final randommemories, now, of life in that sanctuary in those sweet summers before the war:
Now Patterson has begun a new project called IRAM, for intelligent RAM.
The extra bit of RAM also helps keep apps in memory longer.
Unused RAM entitlements from one machine could be carried over to another.
There are a few other factors to consider when upgrading your RAM.
My experience has been that Firefox very rarely reaches 200MB of RAM.
There were no differences between the groups regarding basic arithmetics and primarymemory.
Its primarymemory slots had been vacated, except for one card; clearly a "Trojan card" inserted by the saboteur.
Infection or vaccination confers heightened resistance to pathogen rechallenge because of quantitative and qualitative differences between naive and primarymemory T cells.
Although the parents of patients with schizophrenia could be delineated into subgroups with primarymemory deficits, frontal-striatal and frontal-temporal subgroups could not be unambiguously identified.
Especially Dorothy, as her primarymemory was based upon the scene on the float, rather than any history before or after the event depicted thereon.
Uso de random-access memory en inglés
DRAM, short for dynamic random-accessmemory, loses most of the data it stores when power is shut off.
Buying Elpida doubles Micron's share in the market for DRAM, or dynamic random-accessmemory, chips, widely used in personal computers.
Samsung does expect the market for so-called DRAM, or dynamic random-accessmemory, to gradually pick up as inventory clears and new customers emerge.
High costs and fierce competition with Asian competitors forced Elpida Memory, Japan's last player in dynamic random-accessmemory chips, into bankruptcy protection in February.
The Company's products are designed for the use in fabricating foundry, logic and memory chips, including dynamic random-accessmemory (DRAM) and 3D NAND-flash memory chips.
RAM Random-accessmemory is a form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order.
Whether you are considering buying a new laptop, pre-built computer or upgrading your current computer, the amount of Random-AccessMemory (RAM) is an important factor.